Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tuesday Link Black Hole!

Here's a list of some awesome websites. Granted, some of them are somewhat exclusive (not everyone will like them and may think me a total nerd because I do) but they're still worth a check-out.

Fugly Horse of the Day - a blog which is entertaining to anyone who has even the remotest interest in horses, or breeding things.
List of the Day - daily hilarity.
Your Feet Will Thank You - Honestly, a plug for a friend's blog, which is mainly about shoes but is also about other things, occasionally. It's actually quite entertaining.

Webcomics and Art
Lackadaisy Cats - This is truly one of the best webcomics I've ever seen - it's no surprise it's now being published as a book.
Ever After - Sort of a goth-y re-imagining of all the fairy tales you know and love from your childhood. Amazing artwork.
Dr. McNinja - My brother showed me this. It's freaking hilarious. That's really all you need to know. Also, I want pretty much all the T-shirts they sell.
Accio Brain - A young artist  - I think she's nineteen or twenty - who pretty much only does Harry Potter fan art. However, it's probably the best fan art you'll ever see. Definitely check out her 'funnies' page.
Chimera Pulse - art from another youngish art student. Her stuff has a backstory to it - it's all OC (original characters) and someday she's planning on making a movie (or something) about it. For now, her comic-y style art and animations are incredible.

Just Fun Stuff
Improv Everywhere - this is a group of amateur improv actors in New York - a big group - who basically gather together to do improv in places where people don't expect it. It's really cool, so I'll include a video at the bottom of the post.
Free Rice - a vocabulary game which improves your smarts while feeding starving people!
R. Tam Sessions - okay, this might not be classified as fun, per se, (at least unless you're as rabid a fan of Firefly and Serenity as I am) but it's definitely a great example of underground movie promotions on the internet. Oh, and it's not work-safe, at least not without headphones. And it's really creepy. Just so you know.
The Crazy Tom Cruise Scientology Video! - Also extremely creepy. Watch out for his craaaaazy eyes!
Don't Be Panic! - a comprehensive guide to cancer

Also - here's some vids from my YouTube favorites list!
the Improv Everywhere vid

24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot
I don't care if you watch 24 or not - if you know the premise, this is hilarity.

Pirates Vs. Ninjas

the age-old battle.

The Zimmers - 'My Generation'

Happy rockin' old people! \m/
I hope there's somthing like that for when I'm old.

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