Monday, February 16, 2009

And now, for something completely different...

Tennessee Walking Horses.

I've seen plenty of videos of Big Lick, and I always think now what does that remind me of? I've figured it out.

The Ministry of Silly Walks. 

Skip to about the 0.58 second mark on this video.

Okay, now note the ridiculous high paddling motion of the horse's legs as well as the slouched shoulders and outfit of the rider.

See? Compare again.

You know, if they didn't freaking torture the horses to get this effect, it would make me giggle. 

I really don't understand. All that pain and sweat and blood to get a horse to do something so ludicrous. I don't get it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The games have begun! I am still human, but I have spotted a member of the zombie horde, and barely escaped with my life! He was busy fixing his headband.

In honor - the best reaction to a zombie ever!
I like anime... :)