Monday, February 16, 2009

And now, for something completely different...

Tennessee Walking Horses.

I've seen plenty of videos of Big Lick, and I always think now what does that remind me of? I've figured it out.

The Ministry of Silly Walks. 

Skip to about the 0.58 second mark on this video.

Okay, now note the ridiculous high paddling motion of the horse's legs as well as the slouched shoulders and outfit of the rider.

See? Compare again.

You know, if they didn't freaking torture the horses to get this effect, it would make me giggle. 

I really don't understand. All that pain and sweat and blood to get a horse to do something so ludicrous. I don't get it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The games have begun! I am still human, but I have spotted a member of the zombie horde, and barely escaped with my life! He was busy fixing his headband.

In honor - the best reaction to a zombie ever!
I like anime... :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Humans vs. Zombies - here I come!

Yeah, here's some news indeed!

Come tomorrow, at approximately 4:15 pm PST, I will be a proud member of the ranks of HvZ! You think the facebook games are fun? Well, I'll be doing it in person!


Sooo... what's up?

I hate that question. It's so vague. It's asking you to either instantly nutshell your current life situation, feelings, or difficulties into one short, concise sentence, or else shrug and say something noncommittal, which is usually the best option because the person asking probably doesn't really want to know anyway. "Nuthin much" is my personal favorite.

But, because this is my blog, and I'm assuming that anyone reading it does want to know, here's some nutshelling.

I'm in college, and I don't know what I want to do with my life. Oh, sure, I've got plenty of big, ambitious aspirations. I'm gonna be a director, work in film. I'll be worth millions. I'll buy my parents a house and get my mom a Camaro just like the one she had to sell to make room for more family-friendly vehicles. I'll be famous, but only in a "film aficionados have heard of me but I'm not plastered on tabloids" way. I'll have a personal stylist and trainer to make sure I always look great, a chef to make sure I only eat the best of the best, a personal assistant to handle all the pesky details of my life. Sure.
Is that what I really want? If it is, how does one get there? Not by being lazy, that's for sure.
I'm pretty lazy, though. Seriously. I'm a slob.
I should get over that if I want to get anywhere in life.

What does that mean? Does it mean giving up on things I enjoy? I like video games. I like television, I like movies. All things that mostly involve sitting on my butt.
I don't think I need to cut them out entirely, per se. But what I do need to teach myself is moderation. Food in moderation: only eat as much as I need. Entertainment in moderation: it's fine as long as the rest of my life isn't suffering from it. Spending in moderation. I don't necessarily need to buy something just because it's on sale.

Oh, and there's the little trick of just teaching myself to get up and go. Do things. Don't just sit there, telling myself "Okay, NOW. Get up. Let's go. No? Well, all right then. What's on YouTube?"

So, that's what's up at the moment. Wow, am I bad at nutshelling.